Background to the Study 

Environment is an important resource that provides livelihood and comfort to man. From the creation, environment remains indispensable to the existence and continuity of lives be it aquatic or terrestrial. This holds true because of the fact that, every living organism breath, eat, engage into some form of recreation and generally, survive through adaptation to the environmental conditions. That is why; paying special attention to environment becomes indispensable, because without it life becomes unbearable (Foday et al., 2013) 

Open dumpsite approach as solid waste disposal method is a primitive stage of solid waste management in many parts of the world. It is one of the most poorly rendered services by municipal authorities in developing countries as the systems applied are unscientific, outdated and in- efficient. Solid waste disposal sites are found both within and on the outskirts of developing urban cities. With increase in the global population and the rising demand for food and other essentials, there has been a rise in the amount of waste being generated daily by each household (Foday et al., 2013). This waste is ultimately thrown into municipal disposal sites and due to poor and ineffective management, the dumpsites turn to sources of environmental and health hazards to people living in the vicinity of such dumps. One of the main aspects of concern is the pollution caused to the earth; be it land, air and water. According to Nguyen et al. (2011) many cities in developing countries face serious environmental degradation and health risks due to the weakly developed municipal solid waste management system. Several studies have been conducted in order to examine the health and environmental effects arising from waste dumps. Such studies showed that a link exists between the two (Aatamila et al., 2010; Giusti, 2009; Nwanta and Ezenduka, 2010; Xiao et al., 2007; Yongsi et al., 2008). The conclusion from this and other studies has led to an increasing interest of researchers in the study relating to environmental pollution as well as its effects on plants and animals.

Few of these studies examined the environmental and health implications of solid waste disposal to people living in close proximity of wastes dumpsites (Boardi and Kuitunen, 2005; Forastiera et al., 2011; Gouveia and do Prado, 2009;Nabegu, 2010). The ever increasing consumption of resources results in huge amounts of solid wastes from industrial and domestic activities, which pose significant threats to human health (Foday et al., 2013; Frosch, 1996). However, the ills of inappropriately disposed municipal solid wastes are quite numerous to be mentioned. Health deterioration, accidents, flood occurrences, and environmental pressures are just a few of the negative effects. In many developing countries, solid waste disposal sites are found on the outskirts of urban areas. These areas become children’s sources of contamination due to the incubation and proliferation of flies, mosquitoes, and rodents. 

In Adamawa State, indeed Jimeta-Yola which is the Central Business District (CBD), there are cases of improper solid wastes disposal activities. The nonchalant attitude of the people continue to sustain this problem virtually every house, church, school, office and business premise in our neighborhood makes use of one waste generating article or the other. Although other sources like refuse and poor waste management had been known to have constituted environmental pollution, however, those of the automobile and internal combustion of steam engine like electrical generating sets pump a larger percentage of poisonous fumes into environmental and as such remain the main factor or sources of pollution. 

Thus, as a result, it has affected the physical, psychological and physiological disposition of the good people of Jimeta metropolis. Therefore, it was in recognition of this environmental problem that affects Jimeta Metropolis, which this research is conducted to find ways of ameliorating the problem. Thus, the study would to a holistic approach in investigating means of curbing the effect of environmental pollution on human health and make appropriate recommendations for a way forward. Hence, this study is poised in assessing environmental impacts of improper solid waste disposal in School of Environmental Sciences, Jambutu. 

 Statement of the Problem

In Adamawa State, due to a lack of proper planning and funding, the solid waste management scenario is becoming worse day by day. They are uncontrolled and therefore pose major environmental and health threats which affect the landscape of the city. More so, the UNEPA (2006) stated that wastes that are not managed properly, especially solid waste from households and the community, are a serious health hazard and lead to the spread of infectious diseases. The report further stated that unattended wastes lying around attract flies, rats, and other creatures that, in turn, spread diseases. 

The group at risk from these improper disposals of solid waste includes-the population in areas where there is no proper waste disposal method, especially the pre-school children, waste workers and workers in facilities producing toxic and infectious materials. Other high-risk group includes population living close to the waste dump (Aatamila et al., 2010; Foday et al., 2013). In particular, organic domestic waste poses a serious threat, since they ferment creating conditions favorable to the survival and growth of microbial pathogens. In school of Environmental Sciences, Jambutu, the researcher observed the improper disposal of sachets of used sachet water, tins and cans of coca cola, maltina and various used drinking cans, disposal of papers etc. Thence, this study is poised in assessing environmental impacts of improper solid waste disposal in School of Environmental Sciences, Jambutu. 

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to assess environmental impacts of improper solid waste disposal in School of Environmental Sciences, Jambutu.  

The specific objectives are as follows: 

To identify major types of wastes disposed in School of Environmental Sciences, Jambutu. 

To assess the impacts of improper solid waste disposal in the study area.

To suggest measures to improper solid waste disposal on the environment.

1.4 Research Questions 

The following are the research questions postulated for the study: 

What are the major types of wastes disposed in School of Environmental Sciences, Jambutu? 

What are the environmental impacts of improper solid waste disposed in the study area?

What are the measures to avert the effect of improper solid waste disposal on the environment?

1.5 Significance of the Study 

The study when successfully carried out would be of great importance to the environmentalists whom will use this work to know the effective ways the environment can be managed. The study is crucial to the environmental degradation control, particularly environmental pollution.

Beside, students from Disaster Management and other related discipline would see the work invaluable for further study. Again, the researcher would ensure that findings from the study broaden the scope of the field (Disaster Management). 

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study is limited to the assessment of refuse disposal on the environment. The study is limited to School of Environmental Sciences, Jambutu, Yola North Local Government Area of Adamawa State. Furthermore, the research assess; the effects of environmental pollution on human health within the Metropolis, to identify measures to curtail the effect of environmental pollution on the population of Jimeta Metropolis. 

1.7 Study Area 

School of Environmental Sciences is located in Jambutu village of Jambutu Ward, Yola North Local Government Area. Jambutu is one of the major Wards in Yola North Local Government Area and houses major sites which include the prominent Lake Gerio. Jambutu being is one of the wards of Yola North Local Government Area we can further discuss its areal nature.                 

1.7.1    Location and Extent

Yola North is located on latitude 9°14'N, and longitude 12°.28E, 186(611ft) Adamawa as a whole, shares boundary with Taraba state in the south and west, Gombe State at its west Borno State at its north, it shares international boundary with Cameroon Republic along its eastern share boundary. The whole of Adamawa covers a land area of about 38,741km2.

1.7.2 Weather and Climate

The average annual rainfall in Yola North L.G.A. Adamawa State is 958.99mm and has a tropical climate marked by wet and dry season with a mean annual rainfall of 150mm (Adebayo, 1999). The months of August and September have the highest rainfall distribution with total annual rainfall receipt of 110mm. The driest months are January and February with only 23% relative humidity.

The mean annual temperature of Yola South is 34.50o C (maximum) and 21 .22°C minimum. The hottest months are March and April when the temperature rises up to 42.78° C, while the coldest months are November and December when temperature drops to as low as 17° C (Adebayo, 1999). 

1.7.3 Economic Activities

 There are various human activities practiced from in the study area. The commonest among them are administrative, commercial, industrial, recreational, residential, Small agricultural and educational. The civil servants that live in the study area range from senior to junior staff with various income earning. Some of these civil servants do engage in commercial activities after closing from office work, such as tailoring, cyclist (keke NAPEP) which is normally done in the evening and weekend days. 

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

Assessment: This is the process of checking a situation to ascertain its facts

Refuse Disposal: this is the evacuation of materials or items that have been used and are perceived to be no more of use. 

Environment: this is the location where man lives and utilizes

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