Examine Gender Differentials and Academic Performance in English Language



Background of the Study

Discourses on gender are extremely numerous and can be found in many different areas. Studies on it become one of the important and crucial things in society. According to James and Berger (1996), gender is ‘the most extensively investigated constructs of the social sciences’. This is also in line with Eckert (1998) who states that gender differences can be found in ‘different cultures, places, and groups’.  Gender refers to socially constructed differences between male and female. Scholars, policymakers, and practitioners have observed and seem to agree upon socially constructed differences between male and female and its significant effects in their lives. Studies conducted across the world among the students studying in different levels found a significant gender difference in academic performance. Several studies have reported that female students outperform their male counterparts (Orabi, 2007; Dayioglu & Turut, 2007; Khwaileh & Zaza, 2010). Ghazvini & Khajehpour (2011) further argued that even gender differences in the academic environment.  Girls are likely to be more adaptive in learning in a different environment. However, Wangu (2014) in a study conducted among the students of secondary schools in Kenya observed boys passing more than girls. On the other hand, Goni et al. (2015) in a study conducted among college-going students did not observe the significant gender difference in academic performance.  Studies have also observed gender inequality in the classroom because of instructional design during teaching and learning process.

In recent times, there is a lot of concern on gender issues especially in the educational aspect. Gender issues are currently the main focus of discussion and research all over the world including Nigeria. Intellectuals are worried about the role of women in the political, social, economic, cultural, psychological, religious, scientific and technological development of nations. Ibraheem (2001) also confirmed that women have physical and mental capabilities to contribute meaningfully to the stability, progress and the prosperity of Nigeria.  

There has been interest in comparing the achievement of boys and girls in English Language, in the recent times and where differences have been observed, debates as to whether the differences are due to cognitive differences or social stereotyping. According to Akogun (2000) women are God’s second mistake while, St. Thomas Aquinas regards women as “something deficient”. Therefore the woman is considered as second class in creation. A woman’s education, abilities and initiatives are not considered and appreciated at all times all as a result of their gender and perception of our present society on the person of a woman. 

Quality education of students requires the removal of barriers to achievement and encouraging continuing participation in science (Eya, 1983). A close look at those who object to the equalization of the instruction of boys and girls to show in what respect the two ought to differ and in what respect the character of the two sexes are so widely distinct as to involve the necessity of a separate education for each show apparently that the parallel feminine and masculine advocacy may be compromised in no near distance future. In the present days, females claim to be equal to the male counterparts in all fields of life. Murphy and Elwood (1998) found that gender difference in attitude towards science existed in the education process. It will be interesting to note that this gender difference in performance on spatial task does not appear in all cultures. Gender is often used to indicate the distinction between human beings on the basis of masculinity and feminity in relation to their expected roles. Hence, Shettima (1996), define gender as socially ascribed roles and actions to women and men so as to distinguish who they are, what is expected of them by the society and how they relate to each other for meaningful coexistence. This meaningful coexistence is influenced by the education of both men and women because education is believed to ‘play a great role in furthering social solidarity and integration in the society.

Despite the importance attached to the English Language, and efforts made by stake holders in the educational sector to optimize the learning of English Language as a school subject, students’ achievement in English Language has not commensurate to the investment made in it. There has been a fall in students’ academic achievement in English Language over the years as compared to other subjects in the school system. Evidence abounds that students have not been doing well in English Language. Adeosun (2010) observed that the low standard of English Language is reflected in the large number of candidates who failed the school certificate English. Eme (2012) revealed that 67.43%, 60.56%, 53.79% and 41.82% of students who sat for this examination failed in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 respectively. Also Eme (2012) and Obanya (2013) have pointed out some factors such as the teacher, the school and the home environment. Others are peer group influence, pedagogical variables, government policies among others. However, in view of the entrenched gender practices in Nigeria and Adamawa State, particularly, an investigation of the role of gender is still valid. Consequently, the pertinent question that this researcher sought to answer is: does gender differentials, influence students’ academic achievement in English Language?  Therefore the concern of this study is on gender differentials and academic performance in English Language (case study of Gyawana, Lamurde Local Government Area).

Statement of the Problem

Despite vigorous efforts from the government and non-government sectors to ensure gender equality in education, there is still a serious gap between boys and girls in academic performance and achievement. There are very limited studies focused on the issues of gender differences in academic performance of students. There are several issues of gender inequalities in education not much answered in Nigeria and Adamawa State such as how is the academic performance of students in exam?, does gender matter in the academic performance?, is there any difference in the student's academic performance between public and private schools?, and do family environment and school environment have significant effects on the gender differences in students' academic performance? Hence, this study aims to examine the gender differences in the academic performance of students in English Language.

According to Fakeye (2011), Nigerian secondary school students have problems in the learning of English Language as revealed in their achievement in the public examinations. Therefore, this situation is a source of concern, and has aroused the interest of these researchers to investigate possible causes of lapses in the effective learning of English Language. Many likely factors may be responsible for these students’ poor academic achievement in the subject. Researchers such as Bidin and Jusof (2012) opined that female students outperformed the male students. In this case, female students had a standard deviation of 3.20 whereas males had achieved a standard deviation of 3.54. It shows the amount of variation within scores was smaller in females than males. This produced a t-value of -3.928 and a p-value of .000, which is less than the .05 significant level. The results indicated that English as a Foreign Language learning is to some extent related to gender and it has a significant effect on the achievement test.  This study therefore, focuses on gender differentials and academic performance in English Language (case study of GJSS Gyawana, Lamurde Local Government Area).

Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study therefore is to examine gender differentials and academic performance in English Language

The specific objectives of the study include:

To determine the English Language performance of male students.

To determine the English Language performance of female students.

 To ascertain gender differences in English Language performance in GJSS Gyawana.

Research Questions  

This study aims to answer the following research questions:

What is the English Language performance of male students?

What is the English Language performance of female students?

What is the gender difference in English Language performance in GJSS Gyawana?

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