Effect of Drug and Substance Abuse on Participation in Learning



1.1 Background to the Study

The history of human race has also been the history of drug abuse (Maithya,2009). In itself, the use of drugs does not constitute an evil; in fact some drugs have been a medical blessing. (Maithya, 2009) Since, time in memorial earliest times, herbs, roots, bark leaves have been used to relieve pain and help control diseases. Unfortunately, certain drugs that initially produce enticing effects, such as sense of feeling good, elation, serenity and power have evolved into a problem of dependence and abuse. 

Drug abuse is a global problem that poses a great danger to the lives of individuals, society and political stability and security in many countries (United Nations, 1998). According to the United Nations (2005), the use of illicit drugs has increased throughout the world and the major world trend is the increasing availability of many kinds of drugs among ever widening spectrum of consumers.

Of major concern is that children seem to be targeted as the new market for the drug industry globally.

Drugs and substance abuse has become the focus of research and preventive activities in the developed countries for decades (Muyabo, 1996). A study carried out by the London School of Economics in 1980 on students learning behavior revealed a relationship between drug abuse and poor academic results (Otieno, Balswick & Norland, 1994). Africa has not been spared from the abuse of drugs by the youth. The continent, over recent years has experienced an upsurge in the production, distribution and consumption of drugs with the youth and young adults being most affected (Asuni & Pela, 1986).

Africa has huge young and vulnerable populations which has become the target market for the illicit drug industry. This constitutes 56% of the population aged between 14-19 years, which constitutes secondary school students. In Ethiopia it is reported that 82 per cent of the street children in Addis Ababa use some kind of a drug (United Nations, 2013). Besides, the threat of increasing consumption of illicit drugs amongst the young people and children, South Africa is becoming a major transhipment point in the international drug trade as well as a major producer of Dagaa (Honwana & Lamb, 1998). Gilberto Gerra (2013), the chief of drug and preventive health branch at the United Nations office on drugs and crime pointed out that West Africa is completely weak in terms of boarder control, undermanned ports and the big drug cartels from Colombia and Latin America have chosen Africa as a way to reach Europe. The United Nations official (Gerra) added that when a country becomes a transit point it immediately becomes a consumption country.

According to the United Nations (UN) statistics 2013, 37,000 people in Africa die annually from diseases associated with drug abuse. The UN estimates that there 28 million drug users in Africa (United Nations, 2013). This study therefore is bent on assessing the effect of Drug and Substance Abuse on the learning outcome of secondary school students.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite the overwhelming intervention strategies by the Government, religious organizations, non-state actors and many other keen stakeholders to curb the problem of drug and substance abuse especially among the youth, the number of school going youth being suck into drug abuse seems to be escalating day by day.

To show its commitment it has highly subsidized secondary school education thus boosting access and retention rates in the system, all these intervention strategies have had huge cost implications on the taxpayer including the opportunity cost.

Drug and substance abuse threatens and tends to derail these noble strides by demotivating the students in learning and subsequently ruining these school going children that the government intends to rely on in driving the economy to the next level. Drugs and substance abuse menace should therefore be given the attention it deserves if the intentions of this hefty investment in education are to bear fruits.

Ganye LGA like any other region in the country experiences internal inefficiencies in the school system such as declining academic performance; apathy in learning activities and subsequent drop out in schools as demonstrated in the background to the study. The fact that there is no known study in the region that has ever sought to address the problem of drug abuse in secondary schools forms a justification of the current study that seeks to establish the effects of drug and substance abuse on participation in learning among secondary school students in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of drug and substance abuse on participation in learning among secondary school students in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

The specific objectives of the study sought to:

i) Identify the commonly abused drugs in secondary schools in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

ii) establish the causes of drug abuse among secondary school students in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

iii) Establish the effects of drug abuse on participation in learning among students in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

1.4 Research Questions

i) What are the commonly abused drugs by students in secondary schools in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State?

ii) What are the causes of drug abuse among secondary school students in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State?

iii) What are the effects of drug abuse on participation in learning among secondary school students in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State?

1.5 Scope of the Study

It was not possible to carry out the study in all the schools in Ganye LGA due to financial constraints, time factor and other logistics. Again, the study targeted secondary school students and principals and therefore other stakeholders like parents and community leaders were not involved in the study.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

Drug and substance abuse may involve powerful people in the society and as such respondents might have being afraid to give information for fear of being victimized. School Principals might have withheld information about drug and substance abuse amongst their students since this would tarnish the reputation of their schools.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The findings are expected to yield significant empirical data and information on the effect of drug and substance abuse on participation in learning and school participation of learners.

The findings are expected to help the ministry of education officials in understanding the causes of drug abuse amongst secondary school students hence help them develop intervention strategies.

The study is likely to add to the body of knowledge in the area of drug and substance abuse in secondary schools that may be utilized by other researchers.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

Addiction- Having a physical and /or psychological dependence on a substance.

Drug abuse- Drug abuse is the non- medical use of drugs that destroys health and productive life of an individual.

Drug- Is any substance that, when absorbed in to the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.

Motivation in learning – This is taken to mean interest in the pursuit of learning activities in school as portrayed by parameters like academic achievements, school attendance, etc.

Narcotics-These are drugs from the opiate family such as, solution, Indian hemp, suck and die and Heroin.

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