Impact of Instructional Materials on the Teaching and Learning of Economics



1.1 Background to the Study

Teaching is a transformational process that involves the transfer of knowledge and skills from a more experienced individual (teacher) to the leaner. Teaching fosters behavioral change in the leaner. Teaching is a set of events designed to initiate, activate and support learning (Koko, 2015). Teaching involves all activities that are geared towards the transfer of knowledge. Teaching economics to students in a clear and unbiased manner supports beginner students, master the essential principles of understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, help the student to understand and apply economics in a precise and empirical manner on economic issues and promote a lasting student interest in issues of economics (Chakra, 2016).

The teaching of economics is indispensable in any country that is interested in providing training techniques and tools of economic analysis and researchers who can contribute to the development of society. According to FRN (2014), Economics is one of the elective subjects to be studied at the Senior Secondary School level as presented by the National Policy on Education, developed by the

Comparative Education Study and Adaptation Centre and now reviewed by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council. Teaching Economics like every other subject requires the use of instructional materials to help gain the attention of the learner and to further explain concepts. Instructional materials make teaching and learning more understandable, meaningful and easy and its benefits to teaching and learning cannot be overemphasized. The absence of instructional materials hinders the efficiency in teaching. The use of instructional materials in teaching economics remains the gateway to achieving set objectives as Ubulom and Ogwunte (2017) emphasized that instructional resources and facilities are very necessary for the utmost realization of the goals of education.

Economics is a social science (Blaug, 2019) subject that is offered by senior secondary school students in Ganye Local Government Area. Some schools take it as a core subject for the commercial subjects while some schools which do not have commercial classes take it as a core subject for the humanity students (Oral Source, 2022). Therefore, this makes the place of Economics is our secondary schools that of utmost importance and hence, the need for its teachers to be proactive in employing all the necessary teaching methods and strategies especially the proper integration of instructional materials in their lesson delivery (Garba, 2022).   

In Ganye Local Government Area of Adamawa State, teaching and learning of social science subjects such as Economics through the use of instructional materials seems to facilitates, stimulates and aids students to take active interest in the topic introduced by the teacher. From the fore-going statement, it can be agreed that for effective learning to take place, a student need to be properly guided by the teacher by way of employing various method and means through which his teaching could be meaningful. Hence, this study is poised in study assesses the impact of instructional materials on teaching and learning of Economics in some selective secondary schools in Ganye Local Government Area. 

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The use of instructional materials in teaching and learning of science and social subjects like Economics makes it easier and brings about desirable change in the teaching learning process. Despite, the relevance of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Economics, the researcher observed that there is lack of instructional materials in our schools today which can be due to low sighted government involvement in education, poor management of funds by key players and lack of pre-requisite knowledge of the field by the subject teachers for proper usage. As a result students find it difficult to learn Economics concepts as such develop low interest for it. Hence, this study assesses the impact of instructional materials on teaching and learning of Economics in some selective secondary schools in Ganye Local Government Area.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is study assesses the impact of instructional materials on teaching and learning of Economics in some selective secondary schools in Ganye Local Government Area. While the specific objectives include to determine:

1. the extent to which instructional materials affect students’ academic performance.

2. the challenges teachers face in accessing instructional materials.

3. the strategies to minimize the challenges of attaining and using quality Economics instructional materials.

1.4 Research Questions 

The following research questions will be used to guide the study: 

1. To what extent do instructional materials affect students’ academic performance?

2. What challenges do teachers face in accessing instructional materials?

3. What are the strategies to minimize the challenges of attaining and using quality Economics instructional materials?

1.5 Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses are formulated at .05 level of significance

Ho1: There is no significant difference between the mean score of male and female Economics students taught without instructional materials.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female Economics students taught using instructional materials.

Ho3: There is no significant difference between the mean score of Economics students taught with instructional materials and those taught without instructional materials

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study covers Senior Secondary School Economics students whom learning ability would be tested with and without using instructional materials respectively. The study shall concentrate on selected schools and students within Ganye Local Government Area.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

It is not possible to carry out the study in all the schools in Ganye LGA due to financial constraints, time factor and other logistics. This study would be limited to students of the selected schools.

1.8 Significance of the Study

The outcome of this study will be of great significance to students, parents and the government of Nigeria. 

This study will serve as a good reference document to students who are undertaking their final year research in similar on the influence of instructional materials on teaching and learning. As it would guide them to get more materials on the study topic and carry out thorough and in-depth empirical review 

More so, the study will be significant to parents, this so because when conducting parents teachers meeting an issue on the relevance of instructional materials might be raised and this will serve as a good reference document in providing solution.

Again, the study has much significance on the government of Nigeria. This is so, because it will serve as a source of information to the government that the non-provision of instructional materials to schools causes difficulty in teaching and learning comprehension and hence failure in both internal and external examinations.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms 

School: A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students under the guidance of a teacher

School environment: A school environment is a school that has the appropriate facilities and environment to sustain learning

Academic achievement: Refers to a students’ success in meeting short term or long term goals in education

Instructional Materials: Refers to human and non-human materials and facilities that can be used to ease, encourage, improve and promote teaching and learning activities

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