1.1   Background to the study

         Communities in the Northern part of Nigerian state of Adamawa have been experiencing a serious humanitarian crisis since February 2014, caused by the frequent violent conflict between indigenous farmers and nomadic Fulani herdsmen. The conflict has resulted in the loss of lives, while the destruction of farmland, cattle, homes and public property has caused the displacement of thousands of people in the LGAs in the state, Christian Aid, (2018). More than 300 people and almost 12,000 head of cattle have been killed in the conflict, and not only the conflict between the farmers and the Fulani herdsmen, there people who suffer from flood which make them leave there comfort zone. 

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has distributed relief materials to over 1,000 victims of 2020 flood in 11 local government areas in Adamawa. Mr Anuhu Midala, the agency’s Head of operation, Adamawa and Taraba, presented the items to the victims of the flood on Friday in Yola (Daily Trust Newspaper, 2019). “Today, the agency is presenting relief items comprising food and buildings materials to victims of 2020 flood in “About 1,000 households are to benefit from the intervention and it is not meant to compensate for what you loss but to identify and express federal government‘s sympathy. Responding on behalf of the Adamawa state and the affected local government areas (Daily Trust Newspaper, 2019).

          Despite individual copping strategies, people displaced by violent conflict are vulnerable to risks and need humanitarian assistance during this period of crisis. Christian Aid strives to deliver relief activities which address these immediate needs and also contribute to sustainable development and peace. It is against this background that Christian Aid Nigeria embarked on its first humanitarian project in response to the crisis in Adamawa state, which had left thousands of people displaced and living in inhumane conditions in makeshift camps around the state. Almost 9,000 IDPs (Daily Trust Newspaper, 2019)  received, appropriate and targeted assistance ranging from food and non-food items, support to access medical care, water provisions, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) training and psychosocial support. Christian Aid, (2018).

            The project took in consideration the principle of Christian Aid’s humanitarian policy as well as other humanitarian standard containing in the global SPHERE handbook. Services were delivered with a right-based approach considering the IDPs right to life and dignity, and their right to receive humanitarian assistance, protection and security. Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency (ADSEMA) decide the intervention set out to achieve this using a psychosocial support involving partners, government agencies, host communities and the IDPs themselves. Therefore, this study aims at assessing the challenges in the provision of relief materials to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Damare Camp, Girie Local Government Area. 

1.2 Statement of the Problem

               There are allegations that Officials of Adamawa State government have allegedly diverted and sold off relief items donated by the Nigeria Customs Services to victims of Boko Haram insurgency (Daily Trust Newspaper, 2019). Daily trust investigations revealed that market in Yola the state capital, were flooded with relief items which were, according to credible reports, sold to traders in bulk.

Customs’ authorities had in August released 11 trucks of seized items which included spaghetti, rice, vegetable oil, new and used clothes, shoes, soap, and a host of other materials for the internal displaced persons and other people affected by insurgency in the state. An official involved in the distribution told our correspondent that the supplies worth millions of naira were secretly sold to the traders while some high ranking politicians took away large volumes of the donated items which they shared to their supporters. 

It was observed the IDPs were living in inhumane conditions, including poor access to quality drinking water and hunger these, and other threats to health and wellbeing particularly is faced by women and children, this is a rapid need assessment conducted by the Christian Aid (2019). From a rapid emergency needs assessment of the situation conducted by Christian Aid and its partners, it was evident there were no established IDP camps, with those affected mostly seeking refuge in the church, with the state government unable to provide camps, the majority of the displaced people took refuge in primary schools (which were not in use due to an ongoing teachers’ strike) and other abandoned buildings in safe communities within the state. Therefore, this study aims at assessing the challenges in the provision of relief materials to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Damare Camp, Girei LGA. 

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to assess the challenges in the provision of relief materials to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The specific objectives include:

1.To identify the challenges IDPs face in Damare camp, Girei LGA.

2.To identify the relief materials readily provided to IDPs.      

3.To suggest ways IDPs can be rehabilitated.                                      

1.4  Research Questions 

1.What are the challenges IDPs faced in Damare camp, Girei LGA?

2.What are the relief materials readily provided to the IDPs in Damare camp, Girei LGA?

3.What are the possible ways IDPs in Damare camp, Girei LGA can be rehabilitated?

1.5 Significance of the Study

It is hoped that; the finding of this study will be of great importance to both IDPs and individuals/organizations rendering humanitarian services; the study will be of great benefit to traditional institutions, policy makers and future researchers. It will create much awareness to the community and government functionaries to provide suitable solutions to IDPs and help in achieving the possible ways they may have access to rehabilitation in Damare Camp, Girei Local Government Area.    

1.6 Scope and limitation of the study                                         

The study is restricted to Damare IDPs Camp, Girei Local Government Area, and Focuses on the Assessment of the challenges in the provision of relief materials to IDPs. It noted that this project is greatly important for decisions makers and a as a key to dispute resolution for stakeholders.

1.7 Area of the Study

Damare ward is one of the wards in the six wards of Girei Local Government Area. Girei Local Government Area is situated closest to the Adamawa State Capital, Jimeta-Yola. The Local Government Area owes its development and fast expansion to the presence of the current Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTECH). Girei is located on latitude 9°14'N, and longitude 12°.28E, 186(611ft) Adamawa as a whole, shares boundary with Taraba state in the south and west, Gombe State at its west Borno State at its north, it shares international boundary with Cameroon Republic along its eastern share boundary. The whole of Adamawa covers a land area of about 38,741km2.

1.7.1 Location and Extend

Girie is located on latitude 9°14'N, and longitude 12°.28E, 186(611ft) Adamawa as a whole, shares boundary with Taraba state in the south and west, Gombe State at its west Borno State at its north, it shares international boundary with Cameroon Republic along its eastern share boundary. The whole of Adamawa covers a land area of about 38,741km2.

1.7.2 Relief

The relief of the study area is relatively an undulating land surface that is generally characterized by flat land with some interspersed mountains found scattered all over the place. The Area is drained by one major river with some little stagnant water bodies that were formed largely as a result of seasonal flooding. This single river flows southwards and joins the River Benue at Yola, is the major drainage that is found in the area (Adebayo and Tukur, 2009).

1.7.3 Climate

The climate of Girie Local Government Area is of the tropical climate marked by dry and rainy seasons. The wet or rainy season starts with small amount of rainfall in March. The rainy season with duration of about 6 to 7 months stops in October with mean annual rainfall reaching about1600mm. The dry season lasts between November and January. The mean monthly temperature is 26.70c (Adabayo and Tukur, 1999). The climate provides a favourable condition for raising livestock such as cattle, sheep, goat and fowl in small percentage (Adebayo and Tukur, 2009).

1.7.4 Economic Activities

The major economic activity within the area of study is agriculture. Most of the people are rural dwellers that largely depend on cultivation and rearing of animals as their major source of income (Adebayo and Tukur, 2009). 

1.8 Definition of terms

Assessment: This is a systematic basis for making inferences about a place or an individual. 

Challenges: It an act of rebellion against someone or something. 

Relief Materials: These are supplies of food, water, clothes, etc given to people in need, especially in disaster areas.                            

Rehabilitation: It is an intervention designed to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with their environment.

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