Background to the study 

The term portal is known as links page which presents information from diverse sources in a unified way. It may contain services that provide standard search engine feature, e-mail, news, information, databases and entertainment. Portals provide a way for enterprises to provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple applications and databases, which otherwise would have been different entities altogether (Calero, 2005).

A portal or an online registration system is now one of the latest technology developments which have been found productive in recent time. From time to time they would experience technology innovation which differentiates the way people live, internet, communicate, seek operational information and generally work together with other people from difference part of world. Advancement in technology has provided new opportunities for timely delivery of services to the respondent (Parasuraman, 1998).

Pena-Lopez (2007) describes a web portal as a site that functions as a point of access to information on the World Wide Web and portals present information from diverse sources. The Google directory describes the term portal as where users control the content. There are several terms in library and information science and indeed IT that have their origins borrowed from other disciplines and a portal is one of such (Brakel, 2003). It must be borne in mind that the Web, a resource of the Internet, and a tool to browse the Internet is the first ever innovation that allows anyone to publish to a vast number of users via the Internet. The portal in this context, is more than a gateway, it is a hub from which users can locate all the Web content commonly needed (Nielsen, 1999). The portal is a platform for organizations, universities, colleges, companies to leverage and for efficient communication and other in-house operations. Put more simply a portal collates  a variety of useful information into a single, one-stop` web-page, helping the user to avoid being overwhelmed by infoglut or feeling lost on the web (Looney & Lyman 2000). However, the Internet (Internet gateways or libraries) are not focused on internal enterprise functions. Reasons why organizations have a portal according to (Parasuraman,. 1998.) is for: Information customization, Information personalization, Efficiency in accessing information (work flow), Link integrity software issues that link work, Enhancements and features such as calendars, to do lists, schedules, hours of operation, discussion groups and chat, announcements and alerts, job openings, career opportunities, reports and documents.

1.2 Problem Statement 

It seems quite a safe bet to assert that the Internet and mobile Communication have had a preponderant influence on the way the world relates today. On the other hand, education remains a core fact of life for the overwhelming majority of human society in Nigeria. The use of web portal has become so important for adverse advertisement. Without the online portal system, people who are interest for their children to study in particular school find it difficult to know more about the school. Mundra a case study has been awarded as best private school for past 3 years in Mubi Zones. Many people from across the country will like to know more about the school in order to send their children to study. So sadly, the school has no online portal to advertise their activities, Due to manual means of advertising for the admission and student registration which makes it very difficult for parent who have interest in the school to have accurate information about the school.  This study will attempt to develop an online portal for Mundra model schools.

Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study is to design and implement a school portal that will assist Mundra Model School in the process of advertisement, application, admission, school fees and registration of pupils. The objectives of the study are:

To study the existing method of advertisement, application, admission and registration.

To create an effective way of providing online portal that will enable dismay of information and exam information or notification anywhere and anytime to the students about rapid changes of schedule. 

To improve the privacy, user-friendliness and to enable convenient access to the different kinds of information and services mounted on the web by users, it would be desirable to set up a portal for channeling the vast information resources to the different users in an efficient and effective manner.  

To create an online application and registration process which provides a pre-assessment module that allow verification to the students when login on the website. 

Significance of the study 

The findings of this study will assist the school administrators of Mundra Model school, Mubi to deal with the problems of students admission and registration easily. It will also serves as reference to those who are interested in further research. By this, the school will be able to advertise and pass information to the parent or guidance as fast as possible. 

Scope of the study 

The study is to design an online portal for Mundra model school as case study. The system will cover outline admission, application, registration and School fees Payment. it will also allow admin to post any notification for public notice. 

1.6 Definition of Operational Terms

Automation: this is the use automated machine to do work previously done by people (Yu, 2012).

Efficiency: tools or machines producing satisfactory result without waste of time or resource (Adebayo, 2000)

Internet: is an international network of computer linking different types of users such as Academics, Industries, Government, Military and Individuals (Looney, 2000).

Online: means using a computer or other information device, connected through a Network to access information and service from another computer or information devices (Lyman, 2000).

Modem: this is a device that uses to connect computer with telephone lines (Ivory, 2000).

Portal: A site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the interment (Lyman,  2000).

Registration: the act of recording names and details on an officials list (Adeyemi, 2012).

Technology: this describe the growing worldwide interdependent of people and countries (Zhang, 2004).

Web browser: a software that provide the user interface for accessing internet, internet and extranet (Lyman, 2000).


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