The Internet has been described as the most revolutionary communication development of last century. It has changed everything about every type of business and there seems no end in sight to the advantages this phenomenon can bring to this enhancement of business communications. The Internet is a system for providing communication links between computers via local companies referred to as Internet of computer networks that is changing the way organizations and individuals communicates and do business.

However, the major drawback is the security risks associated with it. The Internet suffers from a significant and widespread security problems. Perhaps, most important of all reason adduced for the poor security facilities on the internet may be the fact that was not designed to every secure: open access for the purpose of research was the prime motivation for the internet at the time of its conception. Other factors responsible for the security lapse of the internet which is based on the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) suite of protocol. A number of TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol) suites of protocols. A number of TCP/IP services are not secured and compromised by knowledgeable hackers. A number of security problems can be remedied or reduced through the use of this software and control for host security. 


Some of the problems with the internet security are as a result of inherent vulnerabilities in the services (and the protocols that the services implement), while others are as a result of host configuration and access controls that are poorly implemental or overly complex to administer. Additionally, the role and importance of system management is often short-changed in job description resulting in many administrators begin at best, part-time and poorly prepared.

Further more, the unavailability of experts who will carry the job for the people. Also the cost at which people or individuals will undergo before acquiring one will also arise to be a problem.


The objective of this research work is to develop a client billing software program with modification of existing software and eliminating the entire obstacle in previous version of the numerous existing clients billing software program. Apart from producing an enhancement,

It will also:

i. prepare daily account of all transaction with clients 

ii. Produce analyzed report for decision making

iii. Provide security to enhance system lock when credit expires.

iv. Automatically generate numbers as IDS and allocate time and payments by clients.

v. Enable the system within the network to identify user with particular name and password.


Like any other application development the significance of this project is to make internet café business much more profitable to the investors

An internet café without effective security will gradually die because of pester and cashier stall and time spent by clients. 

This software is intended to stop the death of internet cafés with attendant unemployment in the space. This will be facilitated by the development of automated technique i.e. café billing to check time automatically. 


This project work or study is aimed at designing and developing a time billing software for the Access Point Communication Limited.

Furthermore, it is also aimed at saving the management of the access point communication limited the trouble and difficulties in running an internet café manually.


The main problem encountered or the constraints in the course of this research were with the initial difficulty in grasping the knowledge of the field, which was quite alien to the researcher. Though this was overcame  within a short period of time.

Also, the obtaining of accurate and complete information from the case study (Access Point Communication Limited) was somewhat inhibited. The researcher had to do some independent investigations and internet browsing to ensure that relevant information was used.

Finally, the issue of time can not be forgotten. This was a very limited time to carry out the research or the project and also limited time to produce the project work.


INTERNET: this is an act linking several computers in the world in a wide area network.

E-MAIL: the term electronic mail is used to describe various system of sending data or message electronically via the telephone. Network or other data network, through a central computer without the need to post letters

SECURITY: this is an act of safeguarding a file or a document in order to allow unauthorized access.  

FLOWCHART: This is the diagrammatic representation of the program components using standard symbols.

HARDWARE: this is the physical part of a computer system.

SOFTWARE: This is the program that controls the computer operation.

DATABASE: A collection of interrelated data stored with controlled redundancy to serve one or more application. 

MICRO SOFT VISUAL BASIC: This is software which allows you to develop your own software 

WWW: - This stands for World Wide Web which consists of the different website which you can visit. 

NEWS GROUP: These are meeting please for people discussing special topic

NETWORK SERVERS: These are devices used to manage how the various resources on the network are shared.

HACKING:  A hacker is people who attempt to invade the privacy of a system. Hackers are normally skilled programmers. 

ONLINE: This is the direct connection to the computers through the internet and under the influence of the computer C.P.U 

OFFLINE: This is the process of the computer not connected to the internet.

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