Teachers perception of the effect of drug and Substance Abuse among secondary School students in Ganye Local Government Area



1.1 Background to the Study

Drug abuse has become a global phenomenon affecting almost every country; though the extent, causes, effects and characteristics vary from one country to another. The substance abuse problem in Nigeria is not different from other countries though there may be variations in the magnitude of the problem.

A drug refers to a substance that could bring about a change in the biological function of a human being through its chemical actions (Dankoano & Garba, 2017). It is also considered as a substance that modifies perceptions, cognition, mood, behavior and general body functions (Adan, 2016). 

Drug abuse is considered as taking overdose of a specific drug or substance; or indiscriminate consumption of such substances capable of upsetting the biological functioning and physiological behaviour of individuals consuming them (Dankano & Garba, 2017). More so, Garba (2021) stated that substance abuse is the excessive use of psychoactive drugs, such as alcohol, pain medications or illegal drugs.

Garba, (2021) revealed that the most commonly used and abused drugs and substances among secondary school students in Ganye Local Government Area are cigarettes, marijuana (weed-we wee), Suck and die, solution, tramadol (tramol), Tutolin or emzolyn or Coughlin or parkalin and all the cough syrups, alcohol (gulder, captin jack, wisky, ogogoro, giant man) etc. On the other hand, Kendler et al., (2015) reported that commonly used substances are inhalants, heroine and cocaine. 

The effect of drugs and other related substances can lead to physical, social, emotional or professional harm, (Garba, 2021). Similarly, students and youth found in the acts of drugs abuse are often times academically and socially less developed as they are not respected and recognized to make reasonable contribution to any development. This is because drug abuse does not only downgrade the academic performance of students, but also affects the moral, physical and general buildup of the secondary school students (Chan et al., 2016). Morally, students are otherwise disobedient to their teachers, parents and their senior students both at school and at home as a result of drug influence (Okwarah, 2017). Therefore, youths who are seen as the leaders of tomorrow and being placed to be trained in secondary schools have swerved to the use of drugs. This act in no way contributes to the development of the students and the expected output of these students can greatly diminish their academic performances because of their tenacity to drug addiction (Kanyua, 2018). 

Secondary school students ignorantly depend on one form of drug or the other for their various daily activities such as social, educational, political, and moral among others, such drug include , Indian hemp, cocaine, morphine, Heroin, Alcohol, Epherdrine, Madras, caffeine, glue, Barbiturates and Amphetamines, World Health Organization (2003) . Today, more Nigerian youths are becoming drug dependants, while Nigeria gradually transits from the status of a drug-consuming nation to that of a drug-producing one and Young ones who are mainly from ‘well-to-do homes’ are increasingly identifying with the ‘big boys’ that practice the use of substance like heroin and cocaine. Others substances like Indian hemp, which is frequently produced in Nigeria and other substances like Methamphetamine and tablet with codeine capable of intoxicating are mostly found in schools (Marygoretty & Adhiambo, 2021). 

Teachers who are closest to the students certainly play key roles in the molding and adjustments of our students. The teachers are considered as models to the students aside reservoirs of knowledge.. The perception of these teachers towards what the students are, who they would possibly grow up to be in the future is significant seeing the roles they play in adjusting the students for the future. Thus, teachers’ perception are the thoughts or mental images which teachers have about their professional activities and their students, which are shaped by their background knowledge and life experiences and influence their professional behaviour (IGI Global, 2022). Hence, they have a significant role to play in seeing that students are taught societal morals, norms and values which reflect the dependable future of the society. Garba (2022) reported that most of the addicted youths of Ganye Local Government Area are already school dropouts and or not in school. 

Ganye Local Government Area of Adamawa State which is the study area of this study is one of the prominent Local Government Areas in Adamawa State with the inclusion of Mubi North/South Local Government Areas (Oral Source, 2022). Ganye Local Government Area is made up of approximately 35 secondary schools with approximately over 12,000 students and averagely over 350 teachers (PPSMB, Zonal Office, 2022).

The researcher observed that, there have been seminars and campaigns aimed at enlightening secondary school students on the impacts of drugs and substance abuse but there seem not to be any comprehensive study looking at the perception of either teachers or parents on the effects of the drugs and substance abuse in Ganye Local Government Area. Hence, this study which is first of its kind in the study area is determined in assessing teachers’ perception on the effects of drug and substance abuse among secondary school students of Ganye Local Government Area. 

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite the overwhelming intervention strategies by the Government, religious organizations, non-state actors and many other keen stakeholders to curb the problem of drug and substance abuse especially among the youth, the number of school going youth being suck into drug abuse seems to be escalating day by day (Amadi & Akpelu, 2018). To show its commitment it has highly subsidized secondary school education thus boosting access and retention rates in the system, all these intervention strategies have had huge cost implications on the taxpayer including the opportunity cost.

Drug and substance abuse threatens and tends to derail these noble strides by demotivating the students in learning and subsequently ruining these school going children that the government intends to rely on in driving the economy to the next level. Drugs and substance abuse menace should therefore be given the attention it deserves if the intentions of this hefty investment in education are to bear fruits.

Ganye LGA like any other region in the country experiences internal inefficiencies in the school system such as declining academic performance; apathy in learning activities and subsequent drop out in schools as demonstrated in the background to the study. The fact that there is no known study in Ganye Local Government Area that has ever sought to address the perception of teachers on the effects of drug abuse in secondary schools forms a justification of this current study.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of the study are to sought the perception of teachers on:

i) the common drug and substance abused by students of secondary schools in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

ii) the causes of drug abuse by students of secondary school in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

iii) the effects of drug and substance abuse on students' academic performance of senior secondary schools in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

1.4 Research Questions

i) What are the perceptions of teachers on common drugs and substance abused by students of secondary schools in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State?

ii) What are the perception of teachers on the causes of drugs and substance abuse by students of secondary school students in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State?

iii) What are the perception of teachers on the effects of drugs and substance abuse on students' academic performance of senior secondary schools in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

1.5 Research Hypotheses

Ho1: There is no significant difference between the mean responses of male and female teachers' perception on common drug and substance abused by students of secondary schools in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between the mean responses of male and female teachers' perception on causes of drug and substance abused by students of secondary schools in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

Ho3: There is no significant difference between the mean responses of male and female teachers' perception on the effects of drug and substance on academic performance of secondary schools students in Ganye LGA, Adamawa State.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study targets secondary school teachers whom perception would be sought on the effect of drugs and substance abuse among secondary school students only. The study shall concentrate on selected schools and teachers within Ganye Local Government Area only. 

1.7 Limitations of the Study

It is not possible to carry out the study in all the schools in Ganye LGA due to financial constraints, time factor and other logistics. This study would be limited also as drug and substance abuse may involve the teachers whom are the respondents for this study and as such the respondents might be afraid to give information for fear of being victimized. Also, the School teachers may withhold information about drug and substance abuse amongst their students with the fear that the reputation of their school would be tarnished.

1.8 Significance of the Study

The importance of carrying out this research are to increase the depth of knowledge on causes, effects and control of drug abuse so as to give more understanding of drug abuse to Parents, Teachers, Counselors and school administrators to reduce drug abuse among secondary school students. 

The findings are expected to help the ministry of education officials in understanding the causes of drug abuse amongst secondary school students hence help them develop intervention strategies.

Student has always been the hope of the future development in the society. The recommendations from this study will thus have a far reaching effect on students within and outside the schools as data generated for the study will also serve as a source of information and hence become useful to other researchers, Government, non-governmental organization and civil society group to curb the menace of drug abuse as it has a devastating effects on the developmental plan of the Nation and the society as whole.

The study is likely to add to the body of knowledge in the area of drug and substance abuse in secondary schools that may be utilized by other researchers.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

Addiction- Having a physical and /or psychological dependence on a substance.

Academic Performance: Is the outcome of education - the extent to which a student, teacher or Institution has achieved their educational goals.

Drug abuse- Drug abuse is the non- medical use of drugs that destroys health and productive life of an individual.

Drug- Is any substance that, when absorbed in to the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.

Motivation in learning – This is taken to mean interest in the pursuit of learning activities in school as portrayed by parameters like academic achievements, school attendance, etc.

Narcotics-These are drugs from the opiate family such as, solution, Indian hemp, suck and die etc.

Teachers Perception – This is the thoughts teachers have about their students




This chapter covers a review of literature related to the study. The related literature shall be reviewed under the following sub-headings:

Concept of Drugs and Substance Abuse

Teachers perception on the Drugs commonly abused by secondary school students

Teachers perception on the causes of drugs and substance abuse

Teachers perception on the effects of drugs and substance abuse on academic performance 

Empirical Review of Studies

Theoretical Framework

Summary of Related Literature Review  

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