Conflicts and violence are now becoming more common than in the past, as Africa's rate of urbanization is the highest in the world. Population is increasing intensely in urban centers, while the economies of most African countries have been deteriorating. Thus, rising of unemployment to a very high level. The youth (under 18 yrs) make up more than half the population of African countries. The governments are no longer spending money on the social sector-education, hospitals, housing and other urban social services - which have deteriorated dramatically during the last 15 years. These conditions in themselves are sufficient to provoke and sustain major and continuous violence in regions throughout Africa (Crush, 2014). We are living in an era in which we desperately need peace, friendship, and sustainable development. The tensions and conflicts that so defined the twentieth century continue in this new century, and innocent people around us continue to suffer from them. Despite the urgent need for solidarity and cooperation, certain circles are perceived to be inciting ethno-religious conflict, particularly between the two greatest and deep-rooted religions.

In view of pluralistic nature of modern society like Nigeria Religious dialogue is a necessary condition for peaceful co-existence. Nigeria as we live in today is highly pluralistic that is to say it is made up of different group of people having different languages, cultures and religions. According to professor Nwabveze (2012) Nigeria (is an example of pre-excellence of plural society), its component group of which there are about three hundred (300) or more are marked apart from each ethnicity, language culture, religion and economics which in turn have created differences in attitude outlook and character.

This research work is going to address, that is Christian religious instruction (s) condemn violence in its totality hence promoting peaceful co-existence and by extension national unity Christianity and Islam, the two most influential religions in Nigeria are closely related in different ways to Judaism.

This is symbolized by their common descent from Abraham. Other beliefs in common include belief in God as the ground of all being the creator and sustainer of the universe (God), God has revealed his will through prophets and apostles through sacred scripture. Human beings are called to exercise social and moral responsibility as part of their duty to God. There is need for Muslims and Christians in a country like Nigeria where both religions command considerable throughout the country to steer their common citizenship within the boundaries of the nation being citizen of one country; they can work together in the same buses trains and some national or private airlines.

Bible does not mind word in informing that religious education do not spring from nowhere these schools would be forced to study Bible knowledge and in most cases attend church in the context of Nigeria, this means peaceful co-existence with Christians. Monotheistic religion like Judaism, Christianity and Islam emphasizes that religion offers peaceful co-existence among families, communities and nations.

Ethno religious crises are part of issues that are of grave religious disturbance. AngoKatof (2017) asserted that Peaceful co-existence, unity, ethnic, religions, and communal harmony should always be the driving force in Nigeria. Implication for security can talk national unity amidst perpetual conflicts anger any gross hatred but rather harmony and co-operation will tend to bring peaceful co-existence there are modules and studies components for this study.


Conflicts among the people are largely caused by competition over political incitements. Other causes of conflicts include religious, historical rivalry, deep-seated cultural values, land issues, ethnic rivalry, and idleness amongst the youth and more recently proliferation of illicit arms (USAID, 2005). Many studies have focused in the past on causes and effect of conflict; it is notable that little has been achieved on factors leading to peaceful co-existence among communities.

Peaceful co-existence is the most important project of our era, but we cannot do it alone or in isolation. We must do it together the world has become very small, mass communication, mass travel, and economic interdependence have erected a contemporary world in which as individuals and group no longer live in isolation from other groups as well as we could have in previous periods. Nations and groups of people who barely know of each other now see each other’s lives and internet.

Government who counted on secrecy and submission just a few years ago now find they humbled bewildered and even overthrown through mass communication that broadcast their tyrannical deed and the bravery of those who resist them to the entire part of the reason while achieving peaceful co-existence is so challenging which has to do with individuals.

Peaceful co-existence is very rare if not totally absent in our society today. People manage to live together in the society because of pluralistic nature but actual peace is absent in (Nigeria) a long time ago. Insurgency have become the order of the day, we can hardly differentiate politics with religion. The number of lives and properties lost as a result of insurgents and fanatics a like is on a high level. People are divided across ethnic religious and political lines.


To determine factors that negate peaceful co-existence   

To explore the effect of non-peaceful 

To determine the benefits of peaceful co-existence 


What are the fact on that negates peaceful existence

What are the effect of non-peaceful coexistence   

What are the benefit peaceful coexistence   


The study is advantageous as if would address the issue of non-co-existence as it is very common in the Nigeria societies.

The research work would give out a clear picture of the activities of people that causes disunity in our nation hence fostering unity. The study would bring out of the effort of Christian religious instruction in promoting nation hence the need of it.

This research study will help non state organizations which preach peace so as to enable them to know the best practices to prevent conflict.

This research study further will help the policy makers involved in conflict matters to make more effective and efficient polices. This is because it will provide them with an opportunity to evaluate their existing conflict policies and identify weakness thus improving their existing policies on conflict prevention. Last, other researchers will also benefit from this study given that the findings there in will provide them with relevant materials to use as reference in their future researches and provide them with a deeper understanding of conflict among communities of Yola North Adamawa state


Yola is the capital city and administrative center of Adamawa state, with a population of 336,648 people according to the 2010 census. The town is split into two parts. The old town (YOLA SOUTH), where the traditional leaders of Adamawa State (known as Lamido) reside, is considered the traditional city. It was established by the first ruler of Adamawa in 1841 and since then has been the residential area of authority. The new city of (YOLA NORTH) Jimeta with approximately (5 km NW) is the administrative and commercial center, where government offices, banks, factories and business are located. Generally, the term Yola is now used to refer to both towns. 

Adamawa State has been impacted by the activities of the insurgents following various attacks, mainly targeting Police Stations in a number of towns and villages in the State since December 2012. In October 2014, the violent attacks escalated causing hundreds of deaths and thousands of displaced persons.

This research will focus on Christian religions instruction as tool peaceful co-existence and as antidote to insecurity in Adamawa state. The research is restricted to Christian of North Local Government Area of Adamawa State.   


Certain limitations were encountered during the study. This however, neither affected reliability nor validity of the research findings since measures were in place to address such effects. Firstly, the study area by geographical coverage is wider and therefore required a bigger sample size so as to have a wider representation. 

The researcher however, limited to a smaller sample size due to financial constraints. Nonetheless, adequate sampling strategy will be put in place to ensure the selected respondents are represented. Secondly, it is in the human nature that people tend to glorify themselves and as such some information may be exaggerated especially by those in peace programs.

Due to time constrains, researchers’ problems, lack of fund and other logistic problems the research work is limited to North Local Government Area of Adamawa State. 


This study ensured that the respondents provided reliable and valid information that was used to make conclusions in relation to the study. The questionnaire collected reliable information from respondents and provided ease of analysis of such information. The respondent provided honest information about the knowledge of the development projects in their area. 


Christian: A Christian is a person who follows or adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. 

Peaceful: Peaceful mean quiet and free from disturbance. Calm often implies a contrast with a foregoing or nearby state of agitation or violence.

Insecurity: The state of being subject to danger or lack of security.

Co-existence: To exist contemporaneously or in the same area.

National unity: This is a type of government formed by a group of parties, generally during times of emergency. These governments are said to be unified by a love of country rather than by political affiliation.


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